
Mutant Football League (MFL)

Created by Michael Mendheim

Mutant Football League is an NFL Blitz arcade-style football game, with nasty mutants, ferocious monsters, deadly chainsaws, and lots of gory player deaths, along with some edgy, satirical humor that parodies America's favorite sport. This is the next generation, spiritual successor to the classic retro game, Mutant League Football,

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Survey Results
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 03:34:21 PM

Hi Guys,

Just wanted to show you the survey results so far for the 2 new teams. Looks like Detroit is kicking ass for the new team and Full Metal Mayhem is the clear winner on the rock & roll team name. I'm going to let this survey run until Friday 12:00pm midnight.

If you haven't taken the survey yet, here's the link:

For those that took the survey, huge thanks!!! We'll have another update concerning Alpha Steam keys soon!


MFL Team

Quick update on all things Mutant Football League.
almost 8 years ago – Sun, Apr 02, 2017 at 04:59:31 PM

Steamland Cleavers  

Asif A. Khan has selected his team name and the new team is going to be called the Steamland Cleavers. You can see final survey results here:  

We chose this name because It is the name Asif originally came up with and also the second most popular in our community survey. This name is strong and doesn’t put down Cleveland in a negative way, so Steamland Cleavers it is. Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey.  

Calling for help to name a MFL Rock & Roll Icon Team!!!  

Name the R&R Icon team
Name the R&R Icon team


We’re creating a new team and need help from the community to find the perfect name. The owners of the team are Michael & Lola Knicker, they purchased the team during our Kickstarter Campaign and want to create a rock & roll themed fantasy team. That’s right, a Mutant Football League team made up of alive & dead rock and roll icons. Some examples of this could be: Undead Rockers, Metalhead Bangers, Heavy Metal Rockers, Rock City Rollers, etc. you get the idea.


Submit your team name concepts on our facebook Page:  

While you’re there -- please like us if you haven’t already!  

If the name you submitted is used for this team, you will get to name a player on this team. You can choose to name a rock star that is not already planned for the team or name the player after yourself. That’s right YOU will be on the rock & roll Mutant Football League team. You’ll also get your name in the game credits!  

Last thing... if 2 names are the same we always pick the first name submitted on Facebook. 

Okay, get those names rolling and then we’ll pick the best ones and put them up for a community vote. Rock on!!!

Other MFL News…  

Ivan Zaplava, MFL’s killer tech lead has been working tirelessly on our online mode. We have peer to peer online mode working now. Most of the online disconnect issues have been resolved. We played 4 back to back games yesterday without any disconnections, which is a big deal for us and while there are some bugs and visual synchronicity issues, we will do our best to have them resolved over the next few weeks. We need to be Alpha at the end of April so that component has to be working. Online mode is our last major technical hurdle and we’re super excited to get this playable into your hands if you're taking part in our Alpha testing at the end of this month.  

Our awesome art director Andrew Lebid and Hot shit, engineer Pavel Chukhanin (with help from Ivan) are hard at work on the space arena and even though it’s early, it’s coming together very well. This arena has a completely different look and feel than the other arenas, the on field Players have low gravity physics, which completely changes the look and feel of the game when playing. Players move slower but have huge jumps and can fall of the edge of the floating field and into space (which is what all of you have been screaming for). I’ll Post some screenshots when it’s a bit further along in a week or two. 

Pavel is also working on adding new announcer VO and getting our bench screen implemented (which is looking really fantastic!!!). He's a busy guy and kicking ass on the game. 

We’ll give you details on what our other MFL team members are working on in our next update – Hint: Artem has been super busy on a number of features you want to hear about like Full Season, but we don’t want to ramble on too long in this update, figure this is a nice cliff hanger to leave things until the next time we talk...  

Remember you can still be part of our kickstarter campaign via Backerkit:

Some cool press you might have missed. 

From MFL Steamland Cleavers owner, Asif Khan (Shacknews).  

…and a hands on Preview with Matthew Kato (Gameinformer)  

Best to all, 

MFL Team!

What's Next?
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Mar 08, 2017 at 10:16:45 PM

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to say THANK YOU once again to the MFL Community and all of our Kickstarter backers. What a great feeling to win one!!! Thanks for helping us reach our goal and smash through all of our stretch goals. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

We are putting together the Backerkit materials now. We should have everything together and will start sending out surveys over the next 10 days (usually this happens about 14 days after the campaign is over) . We are new to all of this so please bare with us, I'm sure we are going to make some mistakes along the way.

Here are some images of the new figured we had created:



You will be able to purchase these figures as add-on's if you want.

If Backerkit does not meet a need for you just write us and we'll figure everything out. 

if you have a character in the game that you want to name, go ahead and send in your names. I will approve or work with you to get your names finalized.

We've got a ton of work to do and not much time, so we're going to need YOUR help to get this bad boy completed. Just please be patient while we get everything together.

Last thing, 

The MFL Team and I want to personally thank the following people for being such a huge and instrumental help to this campaign. You guys contributed creatively, helped us with the other backers and pretty much made this campaign super awesome!!! Thank you so much:

  • Angelo Morales
  • Krebstarr
  • Jason B.
  • Greg Robertson
  • Chubzdoomer
  • Julius Pagan
  • Kristoffer Brandberg
  • D
  • George Dagan
  • Ryan Orr
  • Josh Thornton
  • Jonathan Munnier
  • Roy P
  • Fabrice Bacquart
  • JetStrange
  • Acid
  • Anton Tooma
  • Johnny Vila

almost 8 years ago – Mon, Mar 06, 2017 at 10:54:58 PM

Mutants, Robots, and Orcs, lend me your ears... not literally though.  

It's the final stretch for our campaign, and while the team has been tethered to the medieval rack for a literal stretch, we wanted to spend our last living, and breathing moments with YOU, the backers who gave this gruesome nightmare of a sports game an uneasy heartbeat and unforgettable pulse.  

Tune in at 10:30pm CST (11:30 est/8:30pst) as creator and chief deadhead of Mutant Football League, Michael "Mayhem" Mendheim joins Kickstarter campaign manager and film director, Rob "McCallous" McCallum for a Facebook Live stream send off. Simply visit our page ( at 10:30 pm Central to hear these two chronic terd monsters talk about MFL, the stretch goals, and what's to come in the coming weeks and months for the game and the backers.  

Have questions? Leave us a comment on this update and we will try and get to them during the 90 minute broadcast. See you tonight, fanatics!!!

almost 8 years ago – Sun, Mar 05, 2017 at 09:13:55 PM



Hey Fanatics! It's the penultimate day of our campaign and we've almost crushed every corpse, err stretch goal that we set out to mutilate! Want to see us decimate the final cadaver-like goal and see a Full Season mode at launch? Here's a few things you can do:

  • Share the campaign across social media 3 times today! Posts on Facebook and Twitter generally lose traction after about 20 minutes so be aggressive and tell the world!
  • Add a buck to your current pledge; we have enough backers that if everyone added $1 we could come really close to that final stretch goal
  • Jump up from $1 Tier. We have a handful of backers at the $1 level and would love to gain their full support for the game at the $25 level. That's a massive game changer!

Regardless of where we finish, we want to thank everyone for their support this past month. It's been a lot of work for our entire team to keep this campaign alive and beating with a demonic pulse, but worth it every step of the way.

Make Some Noise!